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Ambitious Professional Copywriter?


How To Be A Prosperous and Successful Copywriter In The Age of AI ...Ā 


Want ToĀ Be Relevant In The Age of AI?

FourĀ Things Must HappenĀ ...


ONE. Your Copy MUST Be Stronger Than AI Copy ...

TWO. You MUST Know How to Use AI ... Intelligently

THREE. You MUSTĀ Know How to Write Direct Response Copy At A High Level

FOUR. You MUST Be Versatile


Everything Above Is Achievable Provided You Have The Right Training and Resources


The Aspen School of Copywriting Gives You All The Resources You Need toĀ ProsperĀ In The Age of AI


Gain Instant Access For Just $14 A Month Or $127 A Year (Save 25%). Hit the "Enroll Now" Button Above.



Start By Watching The Short Video Below



  • The Aspen School of Copywriting is an online training platform that gives you instant access to over 350 "look over my shoulder" copywriting training videos plus additional resources including my personal swipe file.

  • The platformĀ will help you become a faster, more versatile, more productive, and stronger copywriter.

  • Created specifically for ambitious professional copywriters who want to thrive in the age of AI.

  • Ā If you work for anĀ agency or company, they will likely pay for access. They will be excited that you want to improve your copywriting skills.

  • Additional content and resources provided every 2 weeks.

  • Gain instant access for just $14 a month or $127 a year (save 25%).

  • Full details below.


From the desk of Scott Martin, professional copywriter and content writer. Aspen, Colorado.


On this page, you're going to discover a powerful and proven resource that will help you become a stronger, more versatile, faster, and more productive copywriter. I've also included a video and essay about what it really takes to reach the next level in your career.

I encourage you to read all the copy and watch all the videos ... if constant improvement is important to you ... and you genuinely want to be a top copywriter in the age of AI.

This page is for ...

  • Direct response copywriters
  • Branding copywriters
  • Content writers
  • Corporate writers
  • Every professional marketing writer who works in the agency or corporate environment
  • Copywriters who want to develop their skills so they can work for top agencies, marketers, and companies.

Please continue by watching the video below. I describe and detail how to become a super-successful copywriter in the age of AI.






Hit the PLAY Button Right Now to Discover ā€¦

  • A full description of the "6 Pillars."
  • Why these "pillars" are so vital for your success ... especially with AI as the "elephant in the room."
  • What AI really means for copywriters and content writers.
  • A surprising fact ... your company desperately wants you to build these "6 pillars."
  • The one "pillar" that's more important than all the others ... by far.
  • A huge change coming in the world of copywriting and content ... and what this means for you.

WARNING! ā€¦ This video gives you the raw, unvarnished truth about being a super-successful copywriter in the current AI environment. You can only get this information here.




This page is for you if …

  • You’re a direct response copywriter, also known today as a “conversion copywriter.”
  • You’re a branding copywriter working for a branding agency.
  • You write copy for corporate communications.
  • You’re a content writer.
  • You’re a social media specialist/writer.
  • You write for any type of platform … video … radio … web … TV …
  • You work full-time or part-time for a company or agency.
  • You’re just starting … you’re at the ‘senior’ level … or anywhere in the middle.
  • You’re an ambitious professional copywriter.

An Important Note About This Page …

Toward the end of this page, you gain the opportunity to join The Aspen School of Copywriting. It’s a comprehensive copywriting training platform I created to help professional copywriters succeed. All the details are below.

The main goal of this page is to provide you with information that will help you become super-successful.

So … even if you decide The Aspen School of Copywriting isn’t for you, you’ll get some extremely valuable information here … make sure you read all the copy and watch the videos.

Let Me Introduce Myself ā€¦

The ā€œQuietā€ Copywriter ā€¦

Here to Help You Succeed In The Age of AI


Iā€™m Scott Martin and Iā€™ve been writing copy for 34 years. I specialize in direct response copywriting. I also write branding copy, content, and corporate copy.

Itā€™s extremely unlikely youā€™ve heard of me. I donā€™t speak at conferences. Iā€™m not into social media. Iā€™m not on the podcast circuit, etc.

However, if you have Googled ā€œdirect response copywriterā€ youā€™ve found my website most likely. I rank ā€˜on page 1ā€™ organically for this and other search terms.

Let me detail some recent achievements:

>Ā Over $550 million in revenue for my clients in the last 14 years.

> $1.5 million a month in revenue for a $19 ebook thanks to a video sales letter (VSL) I wrote.

> Helped launch one of the biggest dietary supplements: Nugenix.

> Over 400 long-form promotions for one client ā€¦ NBC Universal/The Golf Channel ā€¦

Just a few of my clients ā€¦

  • Revolution Golf/The Golf Channel/NBC Universal
  • Direct Digital (Nugenix, SlimScience, and Instaflex brands)
  • The Jim McLean Golf Schools
  • JW Player
  • Credit Suite
  • Kajabi
  • DFO Global
  • Agora
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Crazy Egg
  • Dan Kennedy/Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle
  • Al Sears
  • Beachbody
  • Healthy Directions
  • Unbounce
  • Digital Marketer (Ryan Deiss and Perry Belcher)
  • The Motley Fool

Iā€™ve written 18 books ā€¦ including two about copywriting. You can get one of them here ... free.

Iā€™ve also been a panelist at the AWAI Bootcamp.

Hereā€™s what a super-famous copywriter said about me at the AWAI Bootcamp ā€¦

ā€œA top copywriter. Someone you should get to know.ā€

Am I boasting? No. I simply want you to feel confident that the information here is coming from a successful practicing copywriter and not a "guru" who has never written copy.

The Only Way to Measure Success in Our Space ā€¦

Iā€™ve written controls that are still running. Plus my clients measure everything and they keep hiring me. Iā€™m a practicing copywriter. Iā€™m busy helping my clients generate millions in revenue ā€¦ which is one reason I donā€™t speak at events and itā€™s why you likely havenā€™t heard of me. Iā€™m writing copy, not speaking.

As further proof Iā€™m getting it done, let me give you another testimonial from one of the worldā€™s top direct marketers, Brian Kurtz.

ā€œWhen I look at the most important traits that have been evident with every great copywriter I have ever met and worked with, the two which are most critical are ā€˜curiosityā€™ and ā€˜passion.ā€™

ā€œScott Martin has both of these key components in abundance ... and they show up all the time when he dives deep for any client he has ever worked with. He's an A+ copywriter.ā€

Iā€™ll say it again ā€¦ my clients measure everything and they keep hiring me.

Iā€™m SO glad this section of copy is over. Why? Because I donā€™t like talking about myself. But itā€™s important you understand the following ...

I know how to write copy that motivates people to try and purchase products and services. And my clients happily pay significant sums for my skills. I'm happy to shareĀ how I write copy ... so you reach your personal and professional goals in the age of AI.

Iā€™m happy to share the "6 Pillars of Copywriting Success" with you. Discover how to incorporate them into your career soĀ reach your career and personal goals. These "6 Pillars" are especially important in the age of AI.






Here are 6Ā things that MUST happen if youā€™re going to succeed as a professional copywriter ... and reach your professional and personal goals.


ONE. You must be able to write copy at the ā€œelite levelā€ so you're copy is better that AI-generated copyĀ ... this must happen every time you work on a project. OK and mediocre wonā€™t cut it. Your copy must be consistently excellent. You might be a direct response copywriter. You might be a branding copywriter. You might be a content writer. You might be a corporate copywriter. Whatever your copywriting role, your copy must be consistently excellent and better than AI copy. The quality of your work will place you in the ā€œeliteā€ level and your value to your organization will skyrocket. Do you feel you already write at the "elite" level? I do ... based on the results I have helped numerous companies achieve. However, I'm always trying to improve, always trying to get better at copywriting. Even my fellow copywriters who are the top of their game are always striving toĀ improve.

TWO. Direct marketing and direct response copywriting. If you're already in direct response, I'll help you become an even stronger direct response copywriter. If you're not very familiar with direct marketing, then it's crucial you know how to write direct response copy. Why? Because more and more companies want a measurable ROI on their advertising spend. Advertising agencies, even agencies that pride themselves on branding, are having to move toward direct marketing. They must have copywriters who can write direct response copy. Once you know how to write direct response copy, you become significantly more valuable to your agency or company. Itā€™s pretty simple ā€¦ if youā€™re serious about your copywriting, you must know how to write direct response copy that generates revenue. There are two types of copywriter: the copywriter who can write direct response copy ā€¦ and the copywriter who canā€™t. The copywriters who ignore direct response will find that their careers quickly stagnate. One way to beat AI is to prove that you're copy generates more revenue than AI copy.

THREE. Flexibility ... agility ... you must be able to write everything from PPC ads to TV ads ... and from advertorials to video scripts. Plus you must be able to switch from branding to direct response. When you can write pretty much everything, you become much more valuable to your agency or company. Companies and agencies donā€™t want to have to send projects to freelancers ā€¦ usually. So when you can handle every type of project, you will delight your copy chief/boss/marketing director. Flexibility also gives you a big advantage over AI copy.

FOUR. You must have the right mindset ā€¦ itā€™s a CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT mindset where you are consistently striving to improve everything about your copy. Itā€™s also known as the ā€œgrowth mindset." When you have this mindset and you are constantly striving to improve your copy, you get on the road to becoming an ā€œeliteā€ copywriter. The people who run your company or agency will notice that youā€™re trying to improve and will reward you with higher compensation and more responsibility. Your copy will be consistently stronger and generate better results. Perhaps more importantly, you will have more fun with your copy.

FIVE. Speed ... it's crucialĀ to know how to write excellent copy quickly. I have personally worked very hard on becoming a faster copywriter. In fact, Iā€™m one of the fastest around ... based on what other copywriters have told me. This means I can handle more work. I have maintained and even improved the quality of my copy. My experience helps but I also have some resources, like templates, that also help with speed. Again, your agency or company will find you a lot more important and valuable if you can handle projects faster.

SIX.Ā You must know how to use AI ... intelligently. Look ... you might hate AI or you might like it. But here's the reality ... you must know how to use AI tools. Why? Because many agencies, companies, and organizations expect their copywriters and content writers to know how to use AI tools. It's a fact of life in the marketing world and you must know how to use AI ... if you want to remain relevant.

The resources in The Aspen School of Copywriting will help you build these "6 Pillars."

Letā€™s take a look at the different ways to learn to write copy ... and build these "6 Pillars" based on my 34 years of experience in copywriting.

Six Surprising Ways to Develop and Build Your Copywriting Skills ... So You Reach Your Career and Personal Goals ...




THE GOOD ā€¦ You can learn an enormous amount from the great books about marketing and copywriting. Itā€™s a great way to learn. Many of the worldā€™s top copywriters, advertising legends, and direct marketers have thankfully written awesome books about copywriting.

THE BAD ā€¦ You have to read and digest all these books and this can take 2-4 years. You also have to know which books to read and in which order. There are some great books ā€¦ but some awful ones.

THE UGLY. Nothing ā€¦ itā€™s slow but powerful. I'm constantly reading the great books.




THE GOOD ā€¦ Excellent copywriters sometimes teach at these events. Most events are a lot of fun and you travel to a pleasant location. The AWAI Bootcamp takes place in Delray Beach and I love Delray Beach.

THE BAD ā€¦ The excellent copywriters will speak for about 45 minutes. How much will you learn? Many events are pitch-fests where people will try to sell you something expensive.

THE UGLY. The huge cost. Upwards of $5,000 to attend plus your travel, time, and sundry expenses.




THE GOOD ā€¦ Some excellent material is available. Thereā€™s a manual I especially like. Iā€™ve got some DVDs that provide great info.

THE BAD ā€¦ Limited scope ā€¦ usually a couple of hours of instruction and thatā€™s it. Plus the quality can range from really horrible to excellent. How can you tell the difference?

THE UGLY. Difficult to tell which material will be worthwhile. 10% of this material is good; the rest is poor. Some of it can be extremely expensive ā€¦ upwards of $5,000.

My 2nd favorite learning option: the great books about copywriting.



THE GOOD ā€¦ Can provide some excellent training. It's the best way for me to learn.

THE BAD ā€¦ Very few products offer ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ video training. This type of training is highly effective.

THE UGLY. Whatā€™s out there can be extremely expensive ā€¦ with the exception of The Aspen School of Copywriting ā€¦ details and pricing below. Yes ā€¦ Iā€™m biased but I highly recommend this method.




THE GOOD ā€¦ Highly personal. The most personal training you can get.

THE BAD ā€¦ A major commitment and many of the copywriters who provide this arenā€™t very good at teaching ā€¦ they will just tell you how bad you are at copy, at your company or agency's expense. And yes, this has happened to me.

THE UGLY. Really expensive: anywhere from $500 an hour to $5,000 a day.




THE GOOD ā€¦ Can be really effective ā€¦ basically an apprenticeship with a senior-level copywriter in your agency or company.

THE BAD ā€¦ Many senior-level copywriters don't want to teach other copywriters. They just want to write copy.

THE UGLY. Thereā€™s no guarantee this will work.


As you can probably tell, Iā€™m not a huge fan of any of those methods ā€¦ with the exception of reading and digesting the great books about copywriting. My favorite method is "look over my shoulder" training. More details about this below.

Introducing The Aspen School of Copywriting


AFFORDABLE And Comprehensive Copywriting Training for Ambitious Professional Copywriters and Content Writers WhoĀ Want ToĀ Thrive ... Especially In The Age of AI ...Ā 


A Totally Different Approach to Copywriter Training

The Aspen School of Copywriting is an affordable training platform for professional copywriters who want to develop and improve their marketing knowledge and copywriting skills.

The goal of The Aspen School of Copywriting is to help ambitious, talented, and hard-working professional copywriters (thatā€™s you) get the instruction you need ā€¦ so you reach your professional, personal, and financial goals.

You'll build the "Six Pillars" of Copywriter Success.

Hereā€™s What You Get When You Join The Aspen School of Copywriting ... And It's A Ton ... And It's Just $14 A Month ...


  • Over 350 "look over my shoulder" training videos plus EVERYTHING in The Aspen School of Copywriting Vault ā€¦ including templates, theory, plus the videos showing you how to write powerful copy. You learn by watching me write copy. Sample videos are below. A full list of all the current videosĀ is below.
  • My PersonalĀ Swipe file ... actual copy that's has gone live ... so you write and learn faster.
  • ā€œThe Beauty of Marketingā€ ā€¦ a series of videos introducing you to direct marketing.
  • AI Training ... so you know how to use the tools and resources.
  • SpecialĀ video recordingsĀ where I talk about copy and direct marketing ... based on current trends.
  • Additional Content Delivered Every MonthĀ ... so you keep learning and keep improving.
  • My Latest Book: 109 Advanced-Level Copywriting Techniques ... it's only available here and will help you become an even stronger copywriter.Ā 
  • NINE Bonus Items ... that cover everything from your website to dealing withĀ challengingĀ professional situations ... AND MORE. And it's all FREE.


In short, The Aspen School of Copywriting gives youĀ EVERYTHING you need in one place to help you succeed. And you gain access to everything when you join The Aspen School of Copywriting.

PLUS ... I'm always adding new content and videos to The Aspen School of Copywriting.

BOTTOM LINE ... If you're a professional copywriter and you're serious about copy, you get access to a super-powerful platform.




Just $14 A Month

The Resources You Need to Be A Thriving Professional Copywriter In The Age of AI ...

  • Over 350 Training Videos.
  • AI Training.
  • Be More Versatile.
  • For Every Copywriter and Content Writer.
  • New Content Added Monthly.
  • Write Top-Quality Copy ... Faster.
  • Reach Your Personal and Professional Goals.
  • No Long-Term Commitment.
  • Gain instant access inĀ the next 3 minutes. Click the 'ENROLL NOW' button below right now.Ā 

Annual - Save 25%

Just $127 a Year

All The Resources In The Aspen School of Copywriting With a Useful Discount

  • Over 350 Training Videos.
  • AI Training.
  • Be More Versatile.
  • For Every Copywriter and Content Writer.
  • New Content Added Monthly.
  • Write Top-Quality Copy ... Faster.
  • Reach Your Personal and Professional Goals.
  • 30-Day Guarantee.
  • Gain instant access inĀ the next 3 minutes. Click the 'ENROLL NOW' button below right now.

Take A Tour of

The Aspen School of Copywriting

There’s a TON in The Aspen School of Copywriting. So I recorded this video to show you everything currently available … Hit the play button now …


Let Me Get Into More Detail ā€¦ So You Fully Understand Whatā€™s In The Aspen School of Copywriting And Whatā€™s In It For You ā€¦


More detail about what you'll find inĀ The Aspen School of Copywriting ā€¦Ā 


The ā€œcoreā€ of The Aspen School of Copywriting is my series of over 350 ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ training videos. There's a "tour" of The Aspen School of Copywriting above ... plus sample videos below.

Here's how theĀ ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ approach works.Ā I write copy and I record whatā€™s happening on video. I talk about why Iā€™m writing the copy a certain way ā€¦ and thatā€™s how you learn to write copy. Itā€™s a powerful way to learn to write copy and itā€™s the most effective way for me to learn. It will be extremely effective for you, as well.

The vault includes videos about copywriting theory. Iā€™ve also included ā€œpractical applicationā€ videos.

By watching the copywriting theory videos, you acquire the fundamental skills. When it comes to writing copy for assignments, you go straight to the corresponding category.

For example, letā€™s say you need to write advertorials. Simply watch the series of modules about writing advertorials. I also include templates to help you get started.

Iā€™ve based EVERYTHING in The Copywriting Vault on what works. You get immediate access to the same techniques I use to write high-converting copy.

Just watch ā€¦ and learn ā€¦ and get to that all-important ā€œelite-levelā€ so you can work with higher-paying clients.

SPECIAL VIDEO SERIES. ā€œThe Beauty of Marketingā€ ā€¦ A Full Introduction to Marketing ā€¦ Including Direct Marketing, Advertising, and Branding.

If youā€™re going to be a super-successful professional copywriter, you must understand the fundamentals and basics of marketing ... at a "professorial" level.

So in ā€œThe Beauty of Marketingā€ I give you those fundamentals. I explain how marketing really works plus I introduce many of the greats of marketing ā€¦ and I also break down misconceptions and give the truth about what works in marketing and what doesnā€™t.

Understanding these marketing fundamentals will help you write stronger copy for your agency or company.

Agencies and companies expect copywriters and content writers to have a full understanding of marketing fundamentals. You get these core fundamentals in The Aspen School of Copywriting.

Additional Videos ā€¦ Advice About Direct Marketing and Copywriting ā€¦

I record additional videos about a copywriting or marketing subject. IĀ inviteĀ guests on occasion. I make the subject topical.

Office HoursĀ ā€¦

You're invited to live events where I talk about copy and content plus answer your questions.

A Huge Swipe File ... To Help You Get Projects Started ...

SwipeĀ that Iā€™ve actually written for clients. No more ā€œblank page bluesā€ again. Live copy.

Templates To Help You Write Stronger Copy ... FASTER ...

These are the same templates I've used to write copy for some of the world's top direct marketers.

What You Can Learn From The World's Great Ads ...

Critiques of famous ads written by legendary copywriters so you understand how the greats wrote their high-converting copy and content.

Copywriting "Book Club"

ā€œBook clubā€ where I discuss the greatest marketing and copywriting books ā€¦ why you should read them ā€¦ and what you can discover from those books.

BOTTOM LINE: The Aspen School of Copywriting gives you EVERYTHING you need to develop and improve your skills so you're thriving in the age of AI.

TheĀ Videos in The Aspen School of Copywriting ... All Created to Help YouĀ Become an Even Stronger Copywriter ... Everything Included


The Aspen School of Copywriting currently gives you copywriting trainingĀ videos under these categories.

  • Writing Emails. Based on what has worked for me and my clients. INCLUDED.
  • Squeeze Pages ā€¦ also known as opt-in pages. INCLUDED.
  • TheĀ Effective and Intelligent Use of AI ... a must for every copywriter and content writer.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Headlines. Over 40 proven headline templates ā€¦ how to use them ā€¦ when to use them ā€¦ with examples for each. INCLUDED.
  • Long Form Copy. A web-based promotion.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Social Media Content ... To engage potential and current clients plus drive revenue.Ā INCLUDED.
  • "Deep Dive" Videos on highly specific subjects covering technical copywriting skills.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Content ... content marketing is more important than ever and I show you how to write powerful content across all platforms.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Syntax of Copy. Helping you understand how to choose words and how to put them in a certain order to motivate customers to take action.Ā INCLUDED.
  • AdWords, Display, and PPC ā€¦ my secret to writing these short but vital pieces of copy.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Advertorials ā€¦ print and online. Yes ā€¦ these still work. I write tons of them.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Bullets and fascinations. How these really drive buying decisions and how to write them.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Direct Mail Package. Creating a full-on promotion sent via mail. Includes all the elements that go into a direct mail package.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Learning from Great Ads. A crucial part of our copywriting education.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Introduction to Copywriting. Perfect for those who are somewhat new to copywriting ā€¦ also valuable if youā€™ve been writing copy for a long time.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Fundamentals of Direct Response Copywriting. You must know, understand, and apply these ā€¦ if you want to be super-successful.Ā INCLUDED.
  • Gary Bencivenga. What you can learn from one of the greatest copywriters of all time and his famous "Bencivenga Bullets."Ā INCLUDED.
  • Proof and Research. How to conduct research and find vital proof.Ā INCLUDED.

Right now ā€¦ over 350 ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ videos ā€¦ with a TON more on the way.

IN PRODUCTION ā€¦ As Iā€™m writing this copy, the following categories are in planning/production.

  • Video Sales Letters.
  • More AI Tools.
  • Writing Short Videos for Social Media Platforms.
  • And much, much more ā€¦

And each category gives you templates, swipe, and accompanying PDFs ā€¦ use these to help you get started with your copy. Everything is included when you enroll. And you can enroll for just $14 a month.

Say "Goodbye" To Hyper-Expensive Copywriting Training Resources ... Join The Aspen School of Copywriting For Just $14 A Month ... Or Save 25% With The Annual PlanĀ ...


Let's face it, copywriting training resources are usually crazy expensive. I know ... because I've paid those crazy amounts.

  • The guy who claims to be "The #1 Copywriter In The World" sells just one copywriting video for between $500 and $1,000 ... a questionable value.
  • If you attend a conference, it's going to cost you upwards of $5,000 and many of the events are simply pitch-fests where people are trying to sell you stuff.
  • Personal coaching programs will cost you upwards of $5,000 ... and this coaching didn't work for me.
  • There are some great training manuals out there but these are upwards of $1,000 ... at least.
  • I've only come across one "Look Over My Shoulder" training video and it's a 60-minute video ... for $750.

So ... if you're sick and tired of lunatic pricing for mediocre resources and courses, The Aspen School of Copywriting is for you.

To enroll and get instant access to everything, choose your option ... monthly or annual.

  • For a limited time, I'm offering instant access to The Aspen School of Copywriting for just $14 a month.
  • There is no long-term commitment and you can cancel at anytime.
  • Annual option is $127 ... save 25%.
  • The Enterprise Option is $497 a year ... access for an unlimited number of copywriters in a company or agency.
  • Scroll down and hit the "enroll now" button. Go through the secure checkout. It takes about 3 minutes.
  • OR ... I can set up the payment with the person in your company who handles accounts payable. Email me at [email protected] to get the ball rolling.
  • OR ... I can send an invoice. Email me at [email protected] and I'll send this to you.


Watch the short video below ... hit the play button now ...

“Look over my shoulder” videos give you a proven way to learn to write copy. It's always been the best way for me to learn to write copy.

The Most Effective Way to Learn Copywriting? ā€¦ The Answer Will Surprise You ā€¦


A few years ago, I started working with an advertising agency in Australia. They wanted me to write squeeze pages and emails a certain way, based on their testing data.

How did they train me?

They recorded a series of videos where the head of the agency wrote copy. Then I watched the videos. Very quickly, I was writing high-converting copy for this client. It was the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.

For me, the best way to learn to write copy is to watch someone else write copy while they explain what theyā€™re doing. And thereā€™s a Harvard study that backs up the effectiveness of this learning method.

The core element of The Aspen School of Copywriting? Over 350 ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ videos where you watch me actually writing copy while I explain what Iā€™m thinking ā€¦ and why Iā€™m writing the copy a certain way.

You'll find it's a powerful and effective way to become an even stronger copywriter.

Another Key to Copywriting Success ...


This Will Surprise You ā€¦ Nobody Talks About This ā€¦

One of the keys to my success in copywriting?

Thatā€™s easy: CONSTANT IMPROVEMENT and the ā€œGrowth Mindset.ā€

Iā€™m always learning ā€¦ always striving to improve.

So I set up The Aspen School of Copywriting based around this crucial concept. If you really want to get to the ā€œelite levelā€ then you MUST have this ā€œconstant improvement mindset.ā€

The Aspen School of Copywriting will provide you with the tools and resources you need for the growth mindset so you are constantly improving.

One More Thing ā€¦ Iā€™m Just Getting Started ā€¦ More Content is Coming Your Way ... No Extra Charge ...


Thereā€™s already a TON of content in The Aspen School of Copywriting. But quite frankly, Iā€™m just getting started. Iā€™m constantly adding fresh categories and new videos ā€¦ based on what Iā€™m working on and what people tell me they want. All the new content is included in the monthly or annual enrollment.

21Ā Reasons to Gain Immediate Access to the Aspen School of Copywriting ā€¦ Itā€™s All About Helping YOU Reach YourĀ Full Potential As a Copywriter.


Why Should You Join The Aspen School of Copywriting? Here you go ā€¦


  1. Everything you need for success on one platform ā€¦ Itā€™s all here. No need to go anywhere else. Everything is right here on this platform.
  2. Build the "6 Pillars of Copywriting Success" ... so you becomeĀ an even more accomplishedĀ professional copywriter.
  3. The deepest and most comprehensive collection of copywriting training videos anywhere ā€¦ itā€™s all ā€œunder one roofā€ at The Aspen School of Copywriting. Currently over 350 copywriting training videos ā€¦ with more on the way.
  4. No problem with AI. Succeed in the age of AI-generated copy.
  5. The resources you need to become a stronger copywriterĀ so you move your career forward ā€¦ and reach your ultimate professional and personal goals.
  6. It's like a university degree in copywriting ... without the high tuition ... and without spending 4 years at college or university.
  7. Advice and instruction from a successful copywriter ā€¦ based on my experience, my mistakes, and my successful moves.
  8. A swipe file of copywriting projects ā€¦ actual copy Iā€™ve written. Redacted, of course, but just use these as templates for your projects.
  9. SPEED: Spend less time writing copy because the instruction will speed up your learningĀ plus the templates/swipe will give you a head start for each project.
  10. KeepĀ your copywriting career moving in the right direction so you make the most of your time and donā€™t take expensive and annoying wrong turns on this journey. I took a lot of those wrong turns ā€¦ I will help you avoid these costly mistakes.
  11. Know how to write every type of copy ā€¦ from emails to PPC ads and from long-form pages to advertorials. Everything on one super-affordable platform. Become a super-versatile copywriterĀ which will help your career.
  12. The most effective way to learn how to write copy ā€¦ by watching me write copy in those 300 ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ videos. A Harvard study proves this method works.
  13. Theory and practical application ā€¦ I give you both in The Aspen School of Copywriting to help youĀ build your copywriting skills.
  14. Your company or agency will pay for access ... because they want you to succeed andĀ 99% of companiesĀ have a budget for training materials.
  15. Ask your company or agency for access and they will love you even more!Ā The people you report to will like the fact that you're working on building your skills. This could mean a promotion or raise!
  16. Learn from the greats ā€¦ Critiques of famous ads written by super-successful copywriters so you understand how to write high-converting copy at the elite level.
  17. ā€œBook clubā€ where I discuss the greatest marketing and copywriting books and what you can learn from them.
  18. No long-term contract or commitment ā€¦ You can leave at any time and you pay nothing again. All the details are below.
  19. Ask questions ā€¦ I have the answers ā€¦ Bi-monthly videos where I provide advice about copywriting plus answer your questions ā€¦ so you are constantly improving your copywriting and professional status.
  20. Build a rock-solid mindset that helps you thrive and constantly improve ā€¦ VITAL for success as a copywriter. It works for me.
  21. A super-affordable price ā€¦ WAY less than alternatives like conferences, coaching, mentoring, and everything else.

If Youā€™re Ambitious, The Aspen School of Copywriting Is For You.

Who Itā€™s For ā€¦


The Aspen School of Copywriting isnā€™t for everyone.


Is it for you? Is it a good fit?


Letā€™s take a look ā€¦


The Aspen School of Copywriting is PERFECT for you ifĀ  ā€¦


  • Youā€™re ambitious and want toĀ become the best copywriter you can be.
  • AI is a big worry and you want to be a copywriter that continues to thrive and be prosperous.
  • You know you can become a top copywriter ā€¦ with the right training, leadership, and guidance.
  • You love copywriting and you really want to learn how to write better copy.
  • You want to be more versatile ā€¦ and faster.
  • Your agency or company wants you to be a stronger copywriter ... if you work for an agency or company.
  • Youā€™re relatively new to copywriting and want a proven learning platform to get started the right way.

Watch Me Write Copy Using The Same Approach Thatā€™s Generated Over $550 Million in Revenue for My Clients ā€¦


In the Aspen School of Copywriting, you watch me write copy LIVE. Itā€™s the ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ approach to learning.

I write the same copy, using the same strategies and techniques that have motivated hundreds of thousands of people to take action ā€¦ to try products and services ā€¦ over $550 million in revenue in the last 10 years.

My clients measure everything and they keep hiring me.

Thatā€™s the ultimate proof my copy works.

And you watch and learn as IĀ show youĀ my approach to writing copy.

Result? You know precisely how to write high-converting copy.

These ā€œlook over my shoulderā€ videos are only available here in The Aspen School of Copywriting. There are currently over 350 videos on the platform ... with more videos added all the time.

Watch a Couple of Videos From The Aspen School of Copywriting ā€¦


Iā€™ve included 2 videos from the over 350 currently available on The Aspen School of Copywriting platform.Ā The first video is the first video from the "Writing Headlines" series. The second is the first video from the "Syntax" series.


What Youā€™ll Discover in

The Aspen School of Copywriting ā€¦ And What You Can Expect ...


  • My ā€œsecretsā€ to writing copy that motivates people to buy products and services ā€¦ only revealed in The Aspen School of Copywriting.
  • What the top copywriters have in common ā€¦ itā€™s not what youā€™ve been told.
  • Over 350 videos created to show you how to write powerful copy.
  • Proven copywriting techniques from a copywriter (me) who has helped my clients generate over $550 million in revenue in the last 10 years.
  • 9 ways to speed up your copywriting while maintaining quality ... this will significantly help your career.
  • And much, much more ā€¦


The Aspen School of Copywriting is a COMPLETE copywriting education ā€¦ everything you need toĀ become an even more successful copywriter.


So ... what can you expect from your enrollment in this training platform?

You'll have the tools and resources you need to prosper in this "new age" of AI.

You'll become a much stronger, faster, and more versatile copywriter.

You'll gain access to my experience and expertise.

You won't have to pay for other training and training materials ... this will save you tens of thousands of dollars.

You'll have one "hub" for your copywriter training.

You'll gain a clear plan for your success as a copywriter and content writer.

You'll know how to use AI intelligently.

And it's just $14 a month.

The Aspen School of Copywriting gives you a comprehensive training platform that will help you become an even stronger copywriter. If you're associated with a company or agency, they will likely pay for your access.

What Current MembersĀ Say About The Aspen School of Copywriting ā€¦



I started going through the modules in The Aspen School of Copywriting. At first it seemed like I was making progress that was too slow. But bit by bit I realized the slow and steady method of learning by watching ā€œover your shoulderā€ was far more powerful for me not only in creating better copy but getting it done. The blueprint of doing a project, detailed in an understandable step-by-step process has been so ā€œdoableā€ for me that I find myself getting excited about writing copy.

With your program I have been steadily working on writing a long-form sales letter for my website AND I'm amazed that it is coming together so much better than I expected. The headlines, bullets, and the long-form sales letter modules are what I am concentrating on for this project. I plan to go through each and every module at least once because so far every module has been so worth my investment.

Ā Patty Grasher. Vancouver, British Columbia.




ā€œIt doesn't matter how high yourĀ expectations forĀ this course are, Scott will exceed them. Imagine one of the world's most spellbinding rock climbers fixing a camera to his hard hat, hitting the road and talking you through every handhold, move and daring leap as he traverses one impossibly daunting rock face after another, sharing insights on route and equipment selection as the action unfolds. This is how Scott takes you through the journey from the foothills of copywriting to the towering heights of expertise and true mastery. At a certain point you will turn round and be amazed how far you have come. Enjoy the view!ā€

Matthew Jowett. UK.




ā€œThe Aspen School of Copywriting has been instrumental in my transformation. Frankly, I'm amazed it's not priced higher. Scott's a class act who separates fact from fiction when it comes to a successful copywriter. He tells you exactly how to do it. From A to Z. A no-brainer purchase.

Brian Cassata.


ā€œHelped me develop as a copywriterā€


ā€œI took a role as a copywriter. I had a lot of contentĀ writing experience but I needed to know more about writing direct response copy as my company wanted me to have copywriting skills, too. The Aspen School of Copywriting has provided exceptional training ... all in one place. I now feel confident writing all types of copy. I thoroughly recommend The Aspen School of Copywriting to all copywriters. The amazing resources have helped me develop as a copywriter."

M.M. In-House Copywriter. Inc. 5000 B2B Company.


My PersonalĀ Swipe File ā€¦ To Help You Get Started With Every Project ā€¦


There are lots of copywriting courses that provide some type of swipe. The Aspen School of Copywriting is different ā€¦ for two important reasons.

ONE. The main ā€œswipe stashā€ includes copy Iā€™ve actually written for clients. Iā€™ve redacted the copy, for obvious reasons, and taken out details. But itā€™s ā€œliveā€ copy.

Just head to this section of The Aspen School of Copywriting, pick the type of copy you need, and youā€™re way ahead of the game. And thereā€™s swipe for pretty much everything ā€¦ sales pages ā€¦ emails ā€¦ advertorials ā€¦ squeeze pages.

TWO. The templates that accompany the video presentations also provide a great way to start a project.

Bottom line: you can learn from the swipe and the templates ā€¦ plus you can use them for your projects. Plus there's a lot more on the way.

The swipe will give you ideas for copy and you'll become a lot faster.

The Aspen School of Copywriting gives you over 350 "look over my shoulder" videos plus swipe, templates, and other resources to help you become a faster and more versatile copywriter.

Work for An Agency or Marketing Department?

Your Boss Will Be DELIGHTED When You Take This Step ...


When you say to your boss, "I want to enroll in this copywriting training ... so I improve my skills even more," everyone in your company's or agency's management will be ECSTATIC. Why?

Because it sends a message to everyone in your agency or company that you want to become a stronger copywriter and, as such, will help the company or agency become more successful. Remember ... every successful organization needs strong copywriters.

Gaining access to The Aspen School of CopywritingĀ will help you significantly when it comes to being promoted and getting that well-deserved pay raise. Plus it helps when it comes to security within your agency or company.

Remember, there's a 99% probability your company or agency will say "yes" when you ask for access. Plus there's a 99% probability your agency or company will pay for your access.

Watch just one video every business day and you will build and develop your skills. Or ... if you need to write a specific type of copy ... like a long-form sales page ... watch all the videos in that module.

Become a more versatile writer so you become even more valuable to your company or agency ...


Want to become a superstar in your agency or company?


One of the big benefits of The Aspen School of Copywriting? You’ll become a more versatile copywriter. This will make you much, much more valuable to your company or agency.

Let’s say your boss wants you to write a series of emails. Just open up The Aspen School of Copywriting and go to the section about writing emails. Use the training and the templates and you’re on your way.

What about an advertorial? Easy … just open up the advertorial section and you’ll know how to write an advertorial PLUS you’ll get a template that makes it super-easy to get going.

It’s that simple. Your company or agency will really like the fact that you want to become a stronger, faster, and more versatile copywriter.


For Companies and Agencies

Unlimited Number of Copywriters and Content Writers ... Just $497 A Year ...

  • The perfect plan for agencies, companies, and in-house marketing departments.
  • Access for everyone on your marketing/creative team.
  • Over 350 "Look Over My Shoulder" training vidoes.
  • Perfect for agencies that want their copywriters to write copy at the highest level and be super-versatile.
  • Click the 'ENROLL NOW' button.

Freelancer? Just Getting Started? The Aspen School of Copywriting Will Also Help You ...


If you’re a freelancer, The Aspen School of Copywriting will definitely help you. The videos and related resources will help you improve your skills … so you can get better assignments from better clients.

Also … if you compare the price of access to The Aspen School of Copywriting to other training resources, The Aspen School of Copywriting is a total bargain. One of your regular clients may pay for access.

“Can’t I Just Find This Stuff for Free?” You’re Asking … Here’s My Surprising Answer …


YES … you can find lots of free resources about copywriting on the Internet. In fact, I even point you toward these resources. Bencivenga Bullets is a great example. I help you find the best free resources out there.

But 99.9% of the free material on the Internet is raw garbage. It’s either wrong … or it’s from copywriters who don’t know what they’re doing. Or both.

With The Aspen School of Copywriting, there’s a small monthly subscription. But you can be TOTALLY certain you’re getting instruction and advice from a copywriter whose copy regularly produces revenue.

The Aspen School of Copywriting is a COMPLETE program that provides top-class instruction. The Aspen School of Copywriting is the ONLY program that genuinely gives you EVERTYHING you need to succeed.

Serious About Success?

Take These Steps Now ā€¦Ā 


Take these steps right now ā€¦

  1. Join at the monthly or annual level. Monthly is just $14 a month. You can can get an even better deal with the annual plan.
  2. At checkout, decide if you want copy critiques and other resources.
  3. Once you join, Iā€™ll send you a welcome video that explains everything you get in The Aspen School of Copywriting.
  4. Watch the training videos and use the resources on your schedule.
  5. Ask any questions you have and I'll go through them in the bi-monthly video.
  6. Look for regular emails from me with copywriting thoughts.
  7. Watch your copywriting career move in the right direction as you become a stronger, faster, and more versatile copywriter.

Itā€™s a comprehensive platform ā€¦ the most complete collection of training resources in one place. So thereā€™s a lot going on. But after a few days, youā€™ll know your way around everything in The Aspen School of Copywriting. And youā€™ll discover that it provides everything you need to be super-successful.


Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 

The Aspen School of Copywriting MUST Work for You ā€¦ Or Cancel Your Membership ā€¦

The Aspen School of Copywriting must provide you with all the resources you need to become an even stronger copywriter.

The content must help you become a versatile, faster, and more productive copywriter. You will never have to spend money on any type of additional training again ā€¦ saving your company or agency TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

In short, The Aspen School of Copywriting must back up all the promises on this page ā€¦ and Iā€™ve made a lot of promises.

If The Aspen School of Copywriting fails in any way, simply cancel your membership. You will not pay anything again. And if you opted for the annual plan and if you're not happy, let me know within 30 days of enrollment and I'll issue a prompt and courteous refund.


Will You Make the Right Decision For Your Future?


Now you have a simple choice ā€¦

You can be aĀ the copywriter who never really wants to improve ... and never really moves forward ...

OR ā€¦

You can join The Aspen School of Copywriting and gain immediate access to the resources you need toĀ become an even stronger copywriter ... plus reach your personal and professional goals.

I know youā€™re going to make the right decision for your future. I look forward to welcoming you to the community of copywriters who are serious about their professional development and reaching their goals. And remember ... your company or agency will probably pay for access.


To Your Success,


Scott Martin



The Aspen School of Copywriting

Questions About The Aspen School of Copywriting?

Please enter your information below. I'm happy to answer your questions.

Want Copy Critiques?

Ā A Lot of People Have Asked for Copy Critiques ā€¦ So Iā€™m Making These Available At Checkout.


With The Aspen School of Copywriting, you can get up to three copy critiques.

Weā€™ll go through some copy and Iā€™ll let you know, with grace and dignity, what Iā€™m seeing ... what's good and what needs work.

You can get 3 copy critiques for $297. And you can use these at any time in a 12-month period. Copy can be any length.

This offer is only available through The Aspen School of Copywriting. You can opt in at checkout.

EpicĀ Bonus Content and Training ... FREE When You Enroll in The Aspen School of Copywriting ... Check Out TheseĀ PowerfulĀ Bonuses You Can ONLY Find Here ...



109 Advanced-Level Copywriting Techniques.

My 401-Page Book. FREE.


For a limited time, I'm including special access to my latest book:Ā 109 Advanced-Level Copywriting Techniques. In this book, you'll discover ...

The personal and professional techniques I've used to move my career from "pure rookie" to established professional copywriter and content writer.

  • My #1 copywriting technique ā€¦ NOBODY talks about this technique yet itā€™s CRUCIAL for powerful copy.Ā 
  • How to deal with difficult clients.
  • How to find awesome clients.
  • Who to follow in the copywriting world ā€¦ and who to avoid. Yes ā€¦ thatā€™s a copywriting technique and itā€™s super-important for your growth and development as you strive to join the ranks of the elite level copywriters.
  • The headline formula I always use to grab the attention of the reader and guide them into my copy.Ā 
  • Why watching a certain TV channel will help your copy.Ā 
  • Understanding your biggest copywriting enemy.Ā 
  • How to organize copy so the prospect sells themselves on the product or service.Ā 
  • My advice about life outside copywriting and how this impacts your copy ā€¦ these thoughtsĀ will surprise you.Ā 
  • Why PERSUASION isĀ NOTĀ a copywriting technique.Ā Here's what to use instead.
  • The right way to organize bullets ā€¦ and the wrong way.Ā 
  • Why I believe that going to the pub or bar is an awesome copywriting technique. Seriously.Ā 
  • How to discover what the prospect really wants. Get this technique right and your copy will convert like crazy.Ā 
  • Gary Bencivenga and the power of the ā€œred shirts.ā€Ā 
  • The technique used by total ā€œamateursā€ and why you must avoid this technique.Ā 
  • One technique I have used to become one of the fastest copywriters around.Ā 
  • The surprising way I get ideas and inspiration.Ā 
  • My surprising approach to the presentation of numbers and specificity.Ā 
  • How to differentiate a product in a crowded marketplace.Ā 
  • Why ā€œstoryā€ is usually a total waste of time.Ā 
  • How to determine the right length of copy. Clayton Makepeace taught me this technique.Ā 
  • The right way to position pricing ... and the wrong way.
  • Understanding what Eugene Schwartz wrote about successful copy.
  • Writing copy across all platforms ... it's easy when you do this.
  • 17 ways to present the all-important proof.
  • Whether it's a good idea to dive into a niche.
  • What you can learn from newspaper and magazine journalists.
  • My proven technique for overcoming objections.
  • The key to smashing even a long-standing control.
  • One powerful copywriting tactic I always use ... mediocre copywriters never use this.
  • Why carefully-constructed repetition can be your friend, provided you do this ...

There's more ...

  1. Proven Copywriting TechniquesĀ ā€¦ The techniques I've used to become a successful copywriter and content writer.
  2. More Than Copywriting TechniquesĀ ā€¦ career advice plus advice about the business of copywriting.
  3. The TechniquesĀ You Need to Become a Stronger CopywriterĀ so you move your career forward ā€¦ and reach your ultimate professional and personal goals.
  4. Packed With Powerful, Proven Advice and InformationĀ ... 401 pages and 82,500 words.
  5. Discover What The Top Clients Are Looking ForĀ Ā ...Ā this will surprise you.
  6. Advice And Instruction From a Successful CopywriterĀ ā€¦ based on my experience, my mistakes, and my successful moves.
  7. SPEED: Spend Less Time Writing CopyĀ because theĀ techniquesĀ will speed up your copywriting.
  8. Keep Your Copywriting Career Moving In The Right DirectionĀ so you make the most of your time and donā€™t take expensive and annoying wrong turns on this journey. I took a lot of those wrong turns ā€¦ I will help you avoid these costly mistakes.
  9. Thought-Provoking AdviceĀ ... some potentially controversial techniques that will change the way you think about copywriting.
  10. Become More Valuable To Your ClientsĀ ... because you're a stronger and more versatile copywriter.
  11. Theory and Practical ApplicationĀ ā€¦ I give you both in this manual to help youĀ build your copywriting skills.
  12. Understand Who To Follow ...Ā and who to avoid. You will only gain this clarity here.
  13. Build A Rock-Solid MindsetĀ that helps you thrive and constantly improve ā€¦ VITAL for success as a copywriter. It works for me.
  14. FREEĀ ā€¦ People have paid $200 for this information but it's FREE when you enroll in The Aspen School of Copywriting.



What You Can Learn From The Greats of Copywriting ... Including Gary Bencivenga ... FREE.


You can, and must, learn from the most successful direct response copywriters. These are the copywriters who have generated the most revenue. This series starts with 29 exclusive videos going through each of the famous "Bencivenga Bullets." It's crucial for every copywriter, content writer, and marketer to understand the Bencivenga Bullets at a professorial level.

I'll be adding more content about these great copywriters. I've learned so much about copywriting from John Caples, Dan Kennedy, Clayton Makepeace, Joe Sugarman, Eugene Schwarz, and others. You'll learn from these great copywriters, too.



Road Map ToĀ Copywriting SuccessĀ ... FREE.


Module 16 of The Aspen School of Copywriting. You'll get access to 10 exclusive videos that show you how some of the top copywriters have become successful ... and how you can be successful in copywriting. There are lots of different ways to become a great copywriter.

Module 16A. Road Map to Copywriting Success. Introduction.

Module 16B. Road Map to Copywriting Success. My Journey Thus Far.

Module 16C. Road Map to Copywriting Success. Clayton Makepeace.

Module 16D. Road Map to Copywriting Success. More Clayton Makepeace.

Module 16E. Road Map to Copywriting Success. David Ogilvy.

Module 16F. Road Map to Copywriting Success. Carline Anglade-Cole.

Module 16G. Road Map to Copywriting Success. Specialization and Niche.

Module 16H. Road Map to Copywriting Success. Bob Bly and Dan Kennedy.

Module 16I. Road Map to Copywriting Success. Gary Bencivenga.

Module 16J. Road Map to Copywriting Success. Creating the Road Map.



Testing TechniquesĀ ... FREE.


In direct marketing, testing is where the "magic" happens. You MUST understand how testing works and how to test effectively ... if you're going to be a successful copywriter. I've run thousands of tests so I know how this works. I share this information with you.



33 Thoughts About Direct MarketingĀ ... FREE


I admit it ... I'm a direct marketing geek. I love direct marketing and people who are in the business. In this PDF, I discuss what works in direct marketing, based on my 30 years in this industry.


Copywriter Success ... What It Really TakesĀ ... FREE


Straight talk about being a successful copywriter. Eight exclusive videos where I dig deep into what must happen if you're going to have a successful career. You will only get this advice here.



Marketing And Sales FoundationsĀ ... FREE


Every company you work with will expect you to understand sales and direct marketing. It's mandatory. So this series of videos gives you over 3 hours of video content that gives you a powerful introduction to the foundations of marketing and sales.

Module 70A. Marketing and Sales Foundations. Introduction.

Module 70B. Marketing and Sales Foundations. Role of The Copywriter.

Module 70C. Marketing and Sales Foundations. Marketing Myths.

Module 70D. Marketing and Sales Foundations. Lists. Traffic. Offers. RFM. Testing.

Module 70E. Marketing and Sales Foundations. Greats of Marketing. Ethics.

Module 70F. Marketing and Sales Promotions. Proof.

Module 70G. Marketing and Sales Foundations. Mathematics of Marketing. Final Thoughts.




Exclusive Podcasts About Copywriting, Direct Marketing, and ContentĀ 

... FREE



These podcasts will help you with developing your career and with techniques. The podcasts are only available here.

Podcast: The Perfect Copywriter Website.

What your website needs to look like ... and how it must generate excellent leads for you.

Podcast:Ā Importance of Enthusiasm.

If you're boring and dull with potential clients and employers, you're toast. Let's keep that from happening.

Podcast:Ā Dealing With Client Problems.

A client, or the company you work with full-time, can give you challenges. Let's overcome those and, better still, keep them from happening.

Podcast:Ā Interviewing Potential Clients and Employers.

Yes ... a potential client or employer will be interviewing you, but you need to interview them, as well. This podcast reveals what you need to ask when you're speaking with a company or agency.

Podcast:Ā My Interview with Brandon Uttley.

I had a fun conversation with direct marketer and web expert Brandon Uttley about how to prosper in the digital world.

Podcast:Ā Getting Started As A Copywriter.

Just getting going? This podcast is for you.


Freelancer? Looking For Awesome Clients? I've Got A Special Opportunity For YouĀ ...Ā 


If you're a freelancer, one of the keys to your success is finding and keeping great clients. So ... at checkout, you can gain access to a special video:Ā 23 SurprisingĀ PlacesĀ To Find Great Clients.

This two-and-a-half hour video presentation will help you understand how to:

FindĀ the top clients who will pay you well.

  • Work with clients who are easy to work with andĀ treat you with respect.
  • Avoid the really awful clients and companies.
  • Spot the great potential clients before other clients.
  • Approach potential clients before other copywriters contact them.
  • Avoid places like Upwork where you're probably going to get bad clients.
  • And much, much more.

This special video presentation is only available here and will totally change how you look at the client-finding process ... so you work with a much stronger group of clients.

People have paid $100 for this video but I'm making it available for just $47 when you enroll in The Aspen School of Copywriting.

The Complete List ofĀ The Categories and Modules YouĀ Get in The Aspen School of Copywriting ā€¦


As I Wrote Earlier ā€¦ The Aspen School of Copywriting isĀ aĀ Comprehensive Copywriting Program ā€¦ And Hereā€™s Some Proof ā€¦



Scott’s copy created such a storm of sales that it literally took out our servers from time to time. JUSTIN TUPPER. Founder, Revolution Golf.


When I look at the most important traits that have been evident with every great copywriter I have ever met and worked with, the two which are most critical to be present in all they do are "curiosity" and "passion." Scott Martin has both of these key components in abundance ... and they show up all the time when he dives deep for any client he has ever worked with. And as a key member of my mastermind group for top level direct response marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs, his curiosity and passion are always on display through the questions he asks ... and the advice he gives based on his experience working with many of the world's top direct marketing companies. Brian Kurtz, Titans Marketing LLC.


Scott Martin is a rare find—a copywriter who understands how to motivate customers to call or get out their credit cards and buy! He has a genuine enthusiasm for great copy, is fun to work with, hits his deadlines on time, but most of all—he gets results! Will Swayne, Founder, Marketing Results.


Scott Martin is a joy to work with... super responsive, humble, professional, and courteous. Ryan Markish, Director of Copy, Legacy Research, Agora.


Unlike most copywriters, Scott has a great understanding of direct response copy. The kind that actually makes you money instead of merely filling the page with prose! That's why we use him again and again. Andrew Wood, President, Legendary Marketing.


I was impressed with Scott’s commitment to our project – every deadline was met, every email and phone call was returned.  He provided multiple ideas and solutions and went above what I expected. I feel like that level of accountability is hard to find these days. International Direct Marketing company, Baltimore, Maryland.


My go-to trusted direct response copywriter ... I've worked with Scott on many, many projects for over 4 years now – and I am not only continually impressed with his writing, but his ability to understand and sell such differing businesses. Scott's willingness to get the job done right and on time has always meant he is my go-to trusted copywriter. He is the only copywriter I have worked with who will jump on a call at midnight to discuss a landing page! He writes in pure direct response style and he genuinely knows how to write to sell. Scott is dedicated to every project with the right turnarounds, excellent responsiveness, and a commitment to get things right for the client. Most of all, he has a great sense of humor and will not let you down. Sophie Paulin, Account Executive, Brisbane, Australia.


“Top copywriter. You should get to know him.” Bob Bly. 2017 AWAI Bootcamp.


Just $14 A Month

The Resources You Need to Be A Thriving Professional Copywriter In The Age of AI ...

  • Over 350 Training Videos.
  • AI Training.
  • Be More Versatile.
  • For Every Copywriter and Content Writer.
  • New Content Added Monthly.
  • Write Top-Quality Copy ... Faster.
  • Reach Your Personal and Professional Goals.
  • No Long-Term Commitment.
  • Gain instant access inĀ the next 3 minutes. Click the 'ENROLL NOW' button below right now.

Annual - Save 25%

Just $127 A Year

All The Resources In The Aspen School of Copywriting With a Useful Discount

  • Over 350 Training Videos.
  • AI Training.
  • Be More Versatile.
  • For Every Copywriter and Content Writer.
  • New Content Added Monthly.
  • Write Top-Quality Copy ... Faster.
  • Reach Your Personal and Professional Goals.
  • 30-Day Guarantee.
  • Gain instant access inĀ the next 3 minutes. Click the 'ENROLL NOW' button below right now.